Please review and read our Covid-19 Statement and what has changed.
As of Jan 2023, all Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted, but we reserve the right to reimplement them as required.
After much consultations with appropriate health authorities, fellow B&B owners and other 5 Star hospitality partners, we finally decided to open our home to guests as of 11 June 2021. With Covid-19 being top of mind & to protect our guests & ourselves, we have modified a few policies and procedures which supercede previously posted of the same. All other policies will remain in effect unless specified.
Covid-19 Statement. Measures being implemented to keep everyone safe.
Every reasonable precaution is being taken as per Canadian Federal, Provincial & Municipal Government guidelines. Guest safety without sacrificing comfort are a priority and we continue to exceed guidelines. Should you require additional information about our Covid-19 safety protocols & policies, please do not hesitate to call and clarify with us prior to making your reservation. Once you have made your reservation, it will imply that you have read our policies, procedures & protocols and have accepted them.
Our B&B has a maximum capacity of 8 people occupying 3 rooms. We strongly encourage our guests to practice social distancing (minimum 6 feet), not just within our B&B but everywhere.
- Guests have to be fully vaccinated as of 22nd September 2021 as per provincial mandates.
- Guests are requested to bring their own supply of masks and hand sanitizers.
- All guests must sanitize hands upon arrival and wear masks during check-in.
- A Covid-19 screening questionnaire MUST be completed and signed along with check-in sheet, after reading our policies and procedures.
- Guests must wear masks in public areas of the B&B.
- Hand sanitizing is encouraged when entering and leaving the B&B.
- Public areas are being constantly sanitized including door handles, banisters and other high touch traffic areas.
- Every guest suite has undergone a careful sanitization in addition to our previous high standards of hygiene & cleanliness (3 checks). Every touchable surface has been sprayed with a 70% alcohol based solution in addition to Lysol wet wipes. In addition, your entire suite has been sprayed with MicroBan.
- Adequate towels and toiletries have been provided, sufficient for your length of stay. Should they need replenishment, please do not hesitate to ask.
- For the duration of this pandemic and to limit it’s spread, we have decided to serve breakfast with staggered timings. Staggered breakfast start approximately at 8.30 AM where each suite can pick up their breakfast on the main table and have it on the balcony or rear deck/pergola. During inclement weather, breakfasts can be had at the main table (one suite at a time) in 30 minute intervals. Once again, no wet or odor producing foods allowed in the rooms.
- Guests are allowed to bring take-away food and enjoy it on our rear deck or pergola OR use of dining room table is allowed on a first come first served basis.
- Use of the Hot Tub/Spa has been temporarily suspended until the end of the pandemic.
- Guests will be encouraged during checkout to kindly put all their soiled linens and towels in a laundry bag which will be provided. We send out laundry to a reputable laundry service which has assured us of deep sanitization of all items.
- Guests are requested to let the hosts know when checking out, so that we complete Covid-19 protocols & checks.
The White House Boutique Bed & Breakfast encourages every guest to strictly adhere to Niagara & Niagara On The Lake Covid-19 policies & protocols. Being a retirement community, we take extra precaution in protecting our senior population who can be at a higher risk. As guidelines evolve, so will our policies, protocols and procedures as we try to keep everyone safe.
To maximize your stay, we absolutely recommend that you call us, in addition to visiting the NOTL Chamber of Commerce website for up to date event information: https://www.niagaraonthelake.com/events
Please continue reading our Cancellation Policy which will be strictly enforced.